Offer great experiences at brand touch points

Even when the company offers good products and on-time delivery, any unplanned point of contact can drive consumers away. They can be billing errors, misdirected marketing or a disorganized website, for example.

Still, many of these aspects can be kept under control: you just need to know how to identify and strengthen them. Want to understand more about this topic? So keep reading this post!

What is the point of contact?

The contact points represent the path that the consumer takes between knowing a product and deciding to buy it, based on the attributes of the supplier. They are, then, all the means used by the brand to express itself, from the point of sale to the business card.

There are many points, and in each of them, the customer analyzes the brand to make a decision. Therefore, it is important that these aspects involve him so that he can make the purchase.

In addition, this process encompasses items inherent to the company’s communication, marketing and distribution actions. This includes the most diverse brand touchpoints, such as sales teams, visual identity, logo, website, product design and service.

How to strengthen them?

Strengthening touch points is essential for the organization. See how to do this below!

Think about consumer emotions

Each customer interaction with the company can cause specific feelings. It can be happiness, security, exclusivity or others — all these sensations help to increase customer loyalty.

However, when not handled carefully, these interactions can lead to bad perceptions such as frustration and regret. And that makes the customer not want to come back.

Therefore, it is necessary to be concerned with the relationship of the public with the brand and the impacts that this contact can cause. So, ask the customer what he thinks about the service, the relationship with the brand or the website and ask for suggestions to improve them!

Invest in the five senses

All emotions can, to some extent, be heard, seen, felt, tasted or smelled. Therefore, it is worth investing in the five senses and relating them to the company’s points of contact.

An interesting way to do this is with the distribution of gifts. These treats bring good feelings to customers, in addition to demonstrating the company’s concern for them.

Get to know the company’s audience

Knowing the target audience is essential. The organization must know what its goals, needs and expectations are. And more: it needs to pay attention to what customers are looking for in order to be able to communicate effectively with them.

For this, the company must optimize its communication with potential users. A good option is to use official pages or social networks to maintain a close relationship with the audience to get to know them better.

Exceed consumer expectations

Another concern of the enterprise must be with the expectations of customers. When buying a product, the consumer wants to receive a quality item that meets the description presented.

Thus, matching this search is essential, but the ideal is to always exceed expectations. After all, going beyond what the consumer expects can positively surprise them, promote good feelings and, thus, make them a loyal customer.

What is the difference between point of contact and point of sale?

The point of sale is any traditional physical store where purchases are made, such as mall stores and kiosks. The contact points are the means used by the company to reach customers.

In general, the point of sale has a vision limited to making sales. The contact point, in turn, is any means in which the brand expresses itself to the public in search of capturing and retaining new customers.

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